There are times, whether you like it or not, that an idea pops into your head, and you have to decide, "What are you going to do about it?" I don't know about you, but in the past, no matter what brilliant, hair-brained or fantastical thoughts came about, I was going to do it no matter the consequences. I have been in trouble, I have done things that my mother would have grounded me for, and, I have been in rooms where some folks come out of with broken fingers or bones. BUT, I have never had my picture on a post office wall! Some folks thought I would end up there. Life isn't over...not quite yet...there still might be time to fulfill others dreams.
In this adventure called music, I worked hard on relationships that would benefit the band. You have to sit there and think, "Who or what can I cozy up with that would be mutually beneficial?" With country music, many things go hand in hand, I won't list all of them, because you can figure them out, but the one I was most interested in, and the one with the most far reaching potential, the one which made me drool, which I knew everyone would love, was whiskey. Who could I reach out to? I started locally, but because of distribution, most of the products would lead you back to the big makers. Once there, it was tough to get anyone's attention because we simply weren't a huge act or on a major tour. So, what did I do? I searched Canada. That makes sense doesn't it? It did to me!
We were already working with two brands way up in the Great White North, (eh)? One sponsor is a coffee brand called Espresso Post. Visit them please while you are up in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada. They have best tasting coffee anywhere!
And the second sponsor is Unstrung Heroes. UH is an independent web series about found family, friendship, and the lives we build while following our dreams. They are just about to launch season three and I personally cannot wait for it.
Facebook: at
Once you start watching this series, you will be bingeing until every episode is seen. I warn you now, get the popcorn and soda ready!
Sorry, I digressed, where was I? Branding...I found out about Collingwood Whisky. Locally made, locally produced, locally packaged, and it has a small hometown feel to it, just like the city it was named after. Not to mention that it goes great with coffee and episodes of UH. After reaching out to them, I decided it was photo shoot time because I felt that they needed to update their ad campaign! I got my favorite photographer, more on her in another blog, and we set out to make the best ads ever for this product so they would have to say, "Yes, we love you! We want to work with you! You are the answer to our dreams!" After primping, and showering, and doing hair and make up, mirrors and lights, finding out what was my best side, we ventured out.
It was hot that day, but, I had to stay cool, very cool, for this was going to be our future, this was going to put us on the map! Many shots were taken, various sites were visited and in the end, we got some amazing photos. I was really proud of what was done and how we went about doing it. After putting a package together, I sent it off and they are still going over it as we speak. Wouldn't it be great to have a lifetime supply of Collingwood Whisky in your cupboards? Oh yes it would!
The above photo is my personal favorite, and another one was taken, of ass, which was entered into a photo competition by the above referenced, soon to be disclosed, photographer. And would you believe it? My butt made it into the finals and was prominently on display for four weeks, for the whole world to see! In the "end", it didn't get a ribbon, but it sure was cool to be considered among other great works.
I don't have any idea where I am going with this anymore, so, all I would like to say is, go for it. Just go for it. You have an idea? You think it'll do you some good? You think that it will take you someplace? You think you will get some enjoyment out of it? Take a chance and do it. Bet on yourself and try. If you don't, who will?