2016 started off with a bang and it ended with one too! With all of the stuff that happened in-between, I was fortunate enough to have taken some copious notes so I could remember what happened. Who knows, maybe those scribblings will turn into a st…

2016 started off with a bang and it ended with one too! With all of the stuff that happened in-between, I was fortunate enough to have taken some copious notes so I could remember what happened. Who knows, maybe those scribblings will turn into a story one day. Nothing like sitting in a rocking chair, on the porch of a 100-acre ranch, sipping sweet tea and listening to Mother Nature sing a song that only she knows how to sing. Now that right there, is a quiet and calm that I can deal with on a daily basis. The hustle and bustle of life can get to you, make you crazy, stress you out, do things that you shouldn't do, and try to get you to play catch up in life's race against time. I have always had a mantra, and it goes like this: "Church, Jesus, and the Cracker Barrel." Maybe soon, I can put sitting on a porch and loving life, in that fourth spot.

The year took off like a rocket. Just a couple of days in we were jumping into "Redneck One" and driving to Nashville for our record label showcase. Third and Lindsley was our first show, and I was sure honored to have played on the stage that many of the greatest Nashville and Country Music artists gave their all on. After that we hit downtown Nashville and took over Margaritaville where a packed house was waiting. The energy was amazing and the crowd electric. If I could have bottled any of that up and sold it, I would already be retired.

The rest of the year, our highlights, went something like this:

We were able to open for Parmalee. Was the after party band for Chris Stapleton in the Vinyl Showroom at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. Had Love & Theft open for us while we were in Oregon, and, we got to play the world famous Gilley's Saloon and Dance Hall.

Our new sponsors gave us immense support throughout the year. Those folks at Outlaw Energy Drink, HeadBlade, Unstrung Heroes, Espresso Post, Brightwater Fly Angler and Sin City Presents, had our backs and we can't thank them enough for everything they did.

For me personally, I was able to live out some dreams of playing with some heroes of mine-Andrew Tierney of Human Nature and Blas Elias of Slaughter. Plus, spend an unforgettable Sunday with Carrie Underwood and her husband Mike Fisher attending church service at Rolling Hills Church in Franklin, TN.

Speaking of church:

I need to give thanks to Central Summerlin Church, South Hills Church Community and Walk Church, for allowing me to use my God given talents in worship on many Sundays where I needed it probably more so than any of the parishioners. I have always felt that being able to help lead worship at church gave a great ending to my previous week, and an awesome head start to the days that were to come. There is such a sense of calm and clarity that comes to me when I attend. I don't know what I would do without it.

But to all of you! Who have followed and been a part of this journey with me, I want to thank you. Without you, this dream wouldn't be happening and without your support, it couldn't continue. May God Bless you all and have a wonderful and safe Christmas and New Year!

Let us see together, what 2017 has in-store!